Ben Owen Pottery will be hosting a special pre-conference wood firing workshop for 2022 in conjunction with the International Wood Fire Conference “Envision” to be held May 28-31 in nearby Star, NC, home of Starworks Ceramics. We will have visiting potters during the four day firing and allow up to 15 potters to bring work pre-fired in a bisque kiln and loaded into our 4-chambered Noborigama, two chambers wood fire effects and two salt chambers. Guest Artists include: Cynthia Bringle and Tony Clennell, Registration for the wood firing opportunity can be found at 2020 Seagrove Wood Fire Pre-Conference page. You will be able to have work in three of the six wood kilns being fired during May 21-26. Learn more on the Wood Fire NC 2021 website. This is a great opportunity to learn from our firing, fellowship with our four guest international potters prior to the main conference. Space is limited to 15 participants!